Alternatives When Considering Liposuction

One alternative method to traditional and tumescent liposuction is mesotherapy. Mesotherapy involves a series of injections of varying ingredients. According to advocates of this method, the injected fluid breaks down fatty pockets effectively and is the most minimally invasive of the liposuction techniques. Generally, it is not a more cost-effective method of getting rid of fat; on average each session costs around $500, and requires multiple repeat sessions to achieve the desired affect. This technique is controversial, and doctors encourage patients to carefully research options prior to deciding on this technique.

Doctors who regularly perform mesotherapy on patients claim that the mixes of chemicals injected under the skin literally melt the fat away. They also claim that not only does mesotherapy fight fat, it can also be used to treat backaches, headaches and neck pain. These surgeons are quick to cite a 1994-95 study claiming that those receiving the injections lost weight even without diet and exercise.

The American Association of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS) says that mesotherapy is not a guaranteed safe or effective method of removing excess fat, citing a lack of research data and evidence. Other critics call the method