Extra Accessories for riding your Motorcycle safely

If you engage too much in your riding your motorcycles, I bet you would also spend too much for your riding accessories. Those who spend many years driving their motorcycles have proven these equipments, gears and accessories to be very helpful. Aside from the common accessories like helmets and foot gear, you will also need a couple of survival outfit and equipments for which some consider as optional but I guess these would be pretty helpful in one way or the other. Some motorcyclists use earplugs. This will save your ears from the excessive noise and disturbance on the streets. Imagine if you are in a heavy traffic stuck for about a couple of hours, think of how much noise you will encounter. All those horns, engine revolutions and car beeps are very painful and throbbing to the ears. With the use of the earplugs, you will get a hassle-free feeling and noise-free traveling. You can bring along food and water containers when exposed on a sunny hot ride. You will definitely need these especially if you engage in long hours of traveling. What is five minutes of stopping to feed your thirst and stomach for a while? You should bring a little face towel for wiping once in a while your sweat. I