Selecting the Proper Pump for your Backyard Water Garden Feature
Whether you have a preformed or a liner pond, a pond pump is a
paramount component of any water feature. Stagnant bodies of
water attract mosquito infestations, which are a nuisance, and
also undesirable, due to the recent outbreaks of the West Nile
virus. Therefore, it is paramount that you utilize a pond pump
that circulates your body of water.
Pumps are available in both submersible and external
(out-of-pond) models. For the smaller pond (up to 1000 gallons
of water), a submersible pump is the more economical and
practical option. Submersible pumps can be placed directly in
the pond and require relatively little installation. They are
free of distracting noise, and for smaller ponds, can easily be
utilized to drain your pond (if you hook up a hose to the output
In the old days, the main disadvantage of submersible pumps was
that the pump seal could rupture and release oil coolant into
the water. However, this is not the case nowadays, because newer
pumps are magnetic-driven, and no longer require coolant.