Types Of Shrub To Use In Your Garden

Among the bewildering lists of shrubs, certain names stand out as new and unusual, or, on the other hand, tried and familiar. These include both the evergreen and deciduous types. Rhododendron and azaleas (a type of rhododendron) head the list of evergreens with some 700 species. Hardy and long-lived, these ornamental woody plants have flowers of all shapes, colors and tints. Well-liked are the pink pearl, and the Rhododendron maximum, with its large pinkish flowers. Hardy hybrid species also are the Boule de neige (white) ; the Abraham Lincoln and Lady Armstrong (pink) ; the Everestianum (purple) ; and the Caractacus (red). Rhododendrons won't grow in limey soil, and humus should be supplied liberally to protect them from winter-burn. Azaleas thrive under the same conditions as rhododendrons