Professional Personal Development - What is it?
We think the term 'training' is too restrictive, and we only use
it because that is the context within which many organisations
can understand what we do. But whether you call it people skills
training, interpersonal skills training, soft skills training or
professional personal development, what we're talking about is
people changing what they do in order to be more effective, more
able and quite simply, happier at their job and in their
personal lives.
What we do know is that people take on new behaviours best when
there is a parallel shift in their personal development.
Interpersonal skills aren't just something you use at the
workplace and then leave at the office when you go home. The
whole person is what's important, and any programme Impact
Factory creates has stuff in it that people can use in all
aspects of their lives.
Individuals need to be skilled in what they can do to positively
affect the outcome of any kind of communication. This is true if
the communication is a presentation to 500 people, an annual
review with a staff member, the initiation of new work practices
- indeed anything that requires one person to be in
communication with others.
In the simplest terms, being able to communicate effectively
means relating well to other people. It means being able to
listen and really hear what others are saying. Part of being a
good listener is knowing how to respond without stonewalling or
hijacking other people's ideas.
It also means being able to convey information, feedback and
requests clearly and directly, give appropriate levels of praise
and advice and take responsibility for making sure things are
understood. This means that people must be able and willing to
deal with conflict and confrontation. Conflict resolution can be
effectively achieved by negotiating what is known as 'win/win'
There is not one 'right' way to communicate, but there are
certainly many 'wrong' ones. Impact Factory's development work
concentrates on what's already working about an individual's
interpersonal skills and developing that. Gaining insight and
awareness about the effect they have on others, coupled with
developing specific tools and techniques for managing people,
puts people more in charge of the communication process.
So why do we need it?
There have been changes in every sector where people are being
asked to do more and take on more responsibility, often with
less support than ever before. As a direct result of these kinds
of pressures, dealing with difficult people or situations can be
more problematic. Time constraints, deadline constraints and
fewer people to do more work, means that communication may
suffer, conflicts stay unresolved, dissatisfaction fester,
tempers get frayed and inefficiency become more prevalent.
On top of that, there is an insidious assumption that if you are
good at what you do - professionally - then you will be, ipso
facto, a good manager, communicator, delegator, etc. That simply
isn't true. We see this across all business sectors: people who
are highly capable in their jobs but are far less adept at
dealing with other people. Conflict arises because not only does
the organisation assume that if you're good in one aspect of the
job you'll be good in all, but you yourself may feel you already
'ought' - by dint of your position - to be able to handle
difficult situations and therefore, won't ask for the support
and training you need.
Some organisations have such issues well in hand and have the
kind of company culture in place that supports peoples'
development. More often than not, however, organisations ignore
or sideline these issues with the outcome that communication
suffers and morale gets worse.
Yet if employees are motivated, confident, communicating well
and resolving differences; if they are being acknowledged and
appreciated, then stress is reduced, people are more efficient
and effective and work means more than a place to earn a
paycheque. In our experience within organisations where these
skills are encouraged and developed, there is a profound affect
on employees' performance and their overall well-being, and a
corresponding increase in the bottom line.
The economic implications of poor people skills in the workplace
are far greater than many organisations would like to admit. We
are often approached by the Occupational Health Departments of
companies who say they are seeing more and more people with
stress-related illnesses and absences and are aware that good
training could make a significant difference in the health,
morale and therefore efficiency of the staff. The clich