Change Management Needs External Focus
Poor managerial performance is viewed more as structural rather
than market factors. The mantra of the managements for
increasing efficiencies and profitability is more often than not
structural adjustments within the organization.
Structural adjustments at best produce short term results. Many
of the change initiatives fizzle out after the initial spurt in
productivity while management grapple with sagging morale and
bottom-line. Managements initiate more change for the sake of
keeping the trend going resulting in further worsening of the
situation and attritions.
The major Change initiative needs to focus on the market forces
and any internal change has to be specific to orienting the
organization and its people towards the markets.
Some key factors that need to be addressed for market oriented
change initiatives:
Globalization has created a new scenario where capacity is no
longer the constraining factor for any business. Huge capacities
are available across geographical borders across product
categories. Managements need to focus on the intangibles such as
brand building and human resources rather than building
capacities to expand markets. The phenomenal overcapacities
available especially in high population countries with cheap
labor creates price pressures which makes it detrimental for
companies focused on capacity expansion.
Globalization has also created new levels competitiveness where
price advantages alone may not be able to create the market
advantages. The customer value-benefits vary across the borders.
Organizations need to create products which satisfy the diverse
needs of global consumers demanding a certain level of ethnic
and geographical adaptation to meet local expectations and
needs. The products can no longer be uniform and mass produced.
Customization to market requirements and even to the level of
individual customers is the pre-requisite. Some of the premium
car companies have successfully adopted customization to meet
customers' individual needs across the globe and created markets
where none existed.
Building Non Core Business
Capacities no more being a constraint the organizations need to
build a strong brand and move into unrelated businesses as well
to drive revenues and survive in a changing market scenario. If
you are focused onto a 'core business only' strategy you may be
out of business the moment technology changes make your product
or market defunct. Building new businesses makes sense for
managements who have build competencies in human potential and
management resources along with global brands.
With easy access to capital and ability to move capital across
international markets, it is very easy to own businesses with
core management teams running varied businesses internationally.
With change in market factors business may be exited if the
management has the competence to forecast market and demand
Creating a Customer focus across business divisions
Half a century back Peter Drucker said Customer is Business.
Whether finance or projects every department in your
organization must be tuned to the customer and markets. They
must be trained to be marketing oriented while performing their
specialized functions. Businesses exist solely for the purpose
of customer.
The necessity for adapting to relentless change should
essentially be a change geared to the external environments
rather than internal processes. Internal change can create
limited results and cannot be pushed beyond a certain point. On
the other hand gearing up change focused on external factors can
create a constant and never ending momentum forward for the