Tick Tock Goes the Love Clock
You wake up in the morning, still tired from staying up too late
the night before, and hit snooze about seventeen times before
stumbling into the shower. By the time you start rinsing the
shampoo out of your stinging eyes you are already thinking about
everything you have to do today. You put your makeup on in the
car and get to work late as usual in desperate need of a
caffeine fix, do errands at lunch, pick up your dry cleaning
before the store closes after what is most likely another late
day in the office, make time for tanning and an hour at the gym,
and get home to a house you have to clean. Every day is almost
the same, you are busting your hump trying to get this and that
done while your list of errands keeps growing. And thanks to
living in an exponentially growing population in an
overpopulated city you spend an obnoxious amount of time in the
car giving you more time to think about everything you still
need to do. By the time you get home each day, you clean a
little, shovel your special diet food that you ordered online
(who has time to actually shop in a store and leisurely browse
anymore?) which costs a small fortune and tastes like chicken
feed and crawl into bed. Then you stay up late with your mind
like a maelstrom worrying about everything you did not get
accomplished. When does anyone have time for a relationship?
People who live and work in the city without a significant other
or children are always on the go. You might think that a single
man or woman lives the life of leisure: no obligations, no
pressure, just complete freedom. And I suppose that there are
plenty of single men and women who just stroll home after work,
order pizza and plant their tushes on the couch to watch their
usual prime time television line up. But these are the people
whose tushes are the same size as the couch. Hey, no ambition,
no life. However, these days our lives are getting busier and
busier for most people. There is so much for us to do every day.
Even the singlets of this world are screaming for more time. I
seriously wonder how people are able to raise children today. I
know I barely have time for nookie at the end of the day.
Perhaps it is because many people living in the city go through
several stages of social behaviors and desires in their lives.
At first we are the struggling young professionals straight out
of college, accepting a bottom of the food chain job and
struggling on a $20K salary. These were the days of buying raman
noodles in bulk and picking up a bartending job in the evenings.
You can't even afford to date at this age. And if you could,
when would you have time? Finally you get a better paying job
and you move up in the business world. But now you have entered
a whole new social world. You are financially able to drop the
second job, get some new digs without holes in the seams and
start enjoying the night scene with everyone else. Swiftly you
discover the beau monde and your life is consumed with keeping
up to date with all of the latest trends, making sure you look
perfect in every way and of course making sure everyone thinks
you are the