Paczki! The Original Polish Donut
Paczki, is what is known as the original Polish donut, no one
will ever agree on how to pronounce them, but everyone will
agree that you cannot eat just one or even two. Paczki are maid
and eaten on Fat Tuesday the day before Ash Wednesday.
Paczki are round sugar coated, fruit filled Polish pastry.
Originally Paczki were maid to use up the lard and eggs, which
were prohibited during lent. Today they are maid and served as a
last- minute, beginning before lent knowing that you will not
see any pastry during this time.
Today Paczki are becoming what a cake is to a birthday or turkey
and pumpkin pie is to Thanksgiving. People all over purchase
them by the dozens to share with their friends and relatives and
even co-workers, Paczki are the #1 donut sold at this time of