What to do Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day has finally arrived it is now time to do the last minute preparations, final cooking and welcoming of guests. Thanksgiving Day: Remove your prepared stuffing from the refrigerator and stuff your turkey. Place extra stuffing in a separate pan for roasting so that you will be sure to have plenty for all your guests. Make sure you allow ample time for your turkey to roast. If you have a large turkey and are stuffing it you will need to begin early in the day. Prepare all your vegetables in the pans they will be cooked in. Boil and mash your potatoes, you will be able to reheat them just before serving. Keep watch on your turkey. Just before time to take out your turkey do any last minute cooking that needs to be done. Also warm up any items that have been pre-cooked such as the parker house rolls and mashed potatoes. When you remove the turkey from the oven allow it to rest for twenty minutes before serving. This is the time to make your gravy. Serve all your food, either on the table or buffet style. If you have guests asking to help allow them to fill the water glasses and to pour the wine. You can also allow them to help serve the food. Finally and most important relax. Enjoy your day, this is Thanksgiving. Remember your root words 'Thanks' 'Giving'.