Single Cup Coffee Maker: Small Is Beautiful
A good thing is good as long as there isn't too much of it. The
one cup coffee maker is living proof of this philosophy.
As much as you might enjoy your morning pot of fresh home-brew
coffee, or that late night cup that keeps you going for hours,
too much coffee is definitely not a good thing. As in all forms
of enjoyment, moderation is necessary so that you might keep
enjoying it for a long time. The one cup coffee maker is an
invention that lets you do just that.
It also enables you to have your coffee just as you like it,
wherever you like it. If you are a connoisseur of good coffee,
you will probably want to avoid cheap instant varieties and
prefer to brew your own. But if you travel much, that may not be
a practical option. Or if you work in a public office, it may be
a painful experience to travel to the coffee machine in the
foyer each time you need a cup. Then be forced to accept the
undrinkable stuff that is usually dispensed in those places.
So how about a small appliance that will sit quietly on your
work desk, and make fresh, connoisseur-class coffee for you
every time you felt like one?
Or how about a small apparatus that you can easily pack in with
your light luggage, something that will provide you with the
much-needed refreshment of top-quality coffee at any time, at
any location?