Coffee Grinder: Grinding Coffee in a Jiffy!
A coffee grinder is an essential piece of coffee processing
equipment. Grinding the coffee beans is an important step in
coffee making. The perfect grind will enable you to enjoy the
best cup of stimulating coffee. The 'golden rule' to coffee
making is that grinding of coffee beans should be done just
before brewing.
When you shop for your favorite coffee beans make sure that you
shop for the right kind of coffee grinder too. You can choose
from a wide variety of coffee grinders available in the market
in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You've got to select the right
kind to make yourself a perfect cup of invigorating coffee.
In the majority of American homes the coffee grinder has become
a standard kitchen appliance! Most coffee grinders made for home
use are simple and easy to operate grinding the coffee beans in
a jiffy. To grind the coffee beans into extra fine, fine, medium
or coarse, any of the above categories, you can use these
electronic gadgets that are fast and give you the perfect coffee
The coffee grinder runs on an electric motor. It is fitted with
either one of the following two types of grinding tools - blades
or burr plates. Coffee grinding machines fitted with burr plates
are more expensive than blade grinders. However, for a better
grind you must always opt for burr type coffee grinders.
Blade grinders are the least expensive and easiest to use. But
the biggest drawback of such a coffee grinder is that the
grinding of the coffee beans lacks consistency. The blades
actually cut/slash each coffee bean into minute pieces. So blade
grinders may not be able to provide you with finer grinds that
are required to make smoother and full-bodied coffees like
gourmet coffee.