Don't Overeat on the Holidays
Halloween candy is the unofficial start of holiday eating
binges. It's hard to refuse those few morsels that "trick or
treating" children leave behind. No one wants to throw food out,
so most people bring the candy to work and spread it around.
It's that time of year again - when all of us could learn a
little restraint and still be able to enjoy ourselves at the
same time. Please observe, or pass on the following information,
to your loved ones, friends, and students. Last year, I lost 10
pounds during the holidays, and 21 pounds since then, by using
the following guidelines.
After you eat, your stomach should be half full, or less, with
food. For every two parts of food consumed, you should drink one
part water. Leave your stomach at least one quarter empty for
movement of air.
When eating at a restaurant or party, eat half a portion,
maximum, and wait five or ten minutes. Restaurant portions are
commonly two or three meals on a single or double plate. This is
way too much to consume at a single sitting, and you may find
out that once you pause and sip your drink, you are already full.
In the Providence, RI area, there are some restaurants where the
single portions could feed a family of four. No wonder a man of
200 lbs. is now considered thin.
Establish control over your appetite. Most of us feel guilty if
we don't finish a plate. This is usually conditioning from your
childhood. Bury your guilty past and have the rest "wrapped to
Here are a few more guidelines that will help you during the
holiday season and throughout the New Year.
Always eat something for breakfast and never "skip it." When you
skip breakfast, you will over consume, later in the day.
Eat slowly and thoroughly chew your food.
If you love carbonated drinks - drink carbonated water without
sugars or sugar substitutes.
Make sure your last meal, or last "snack" of the day, is small
and nutritionally dense. Examples: Cereal with fruit, cottage
cheese with fruit, vegetable salad with olive oil and balsamic
vinegar, rice with vegetables, and light popcorn, without the
extra butter and salt. For those who eat meat or fish: turkey,
chicken, or salmon salad on top of fresh greens.
In the last part of your day, skip desserts, sugary cereals,
bread, and second portions. Second portions of carbohydrates can
contribute to high triglyceride levels. If you absolutely must
have sugar: Eat fruit salad, fruit with rice, or yogurt.
If you must have coffee or alcohol, beware that these should be
consumed in extreme moderation. Both substances will dehydrate
your body, and you will have to drink extra water to make up for
it. Wine is much better than hard alcohol, but one or two
glasses a day is the limit.
Coffee consumption should be held to the same guidelines (one or
two a day). Remember that green tea is a good substitute for
Nutritious food is not an excuse for over indulgence. Even when
you eat all the right things, the volume consumed should be in
moderation. It will take a lot of exercise to make up for
overeating anything.
Make your meal a meditation, by focusing on the meal you eat at
the kitchen table. Pause every few minutes, think about the
amount you have eaten, be thankful for your life, and breathe.
Do not engage in unconscious eating while watching television or
driving the car.