The Best Way I Know To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat
Copyright 2006 Marc David
Everyone wants to know how to lose fat around their abs, well,
here's how I do it...
The #1 question that is asked on all fitness sites, bodybuilding
forums, magazines and late night TV infomercials sounds a lot
like these:
How to I lose the stubborn belly fat? How do I lose abdominal
fat? How to do I get great abs? How do I lose the stomach pouch
off the lower abs?
These are all too common question and they are so popular that
it's the reason the weight reduction arena is a multi- billion
dollar (yes billion) industry.
You are about to read the real secret to great abs and how to
lose the abdominal fat without spending money on supplements or
following some diet-of-the-month and it's going to be a very
simple formula that you can follow. Remember...
Your abdominal muscle is like the rest of the muscles in your
body. They require training if you want them to be larger and
stronger. A common mis-conception is that you must train your
abs several times a week. This will only lead to overtraining.
Your abs are a muscle. Train it like everything else. No need to
focus and go overboard. Two to three times a week of focused ab
work or core strength is generally the rule for 6 pack abs.
An Easy 3-Step System For Ripped Abdominals:
Step 1
Training: 1% of your overall ab development will actually come
from training. Consider the fact that most people think 90% of
your results come from training, you can see this isn't the
popular consensus. Needless to say, that's where most focus
their efforts. They don't get their nutrition in order, they
don't use cardio effectively so the masses just do more ab
training and more crunches. Ultimately for your abs to show you
must have abs to show and a low percentage of body fat for them
to appear. More training does nothing to eliminate the layer of
fat that is covering them. This is commonly know as spot
reduction. Training an area for the sole purpose of eliminating
fat in that area.
Tip - Do not make training the #1 priority to show off those
abs. Train them like any other muscle. More ab work will not
make your abs appear. Focus on lowering your body fat levels and
not spot reduction.
Step 2:
Cardio: 9% of your effort can be directed as using cardio as a
fat burning tool. High intensity interval training is by far the
fastest and most efficient method you can use to shed the
pounds. You'll want to keep in mind, using cardio is a tool. Not
a foundation. This simply means that doing marathon sessions
will not be to your advantage. Learn to use cardio effectively
and you can enhance and boost your metabolism beyond what even
eating the right foods can do. Some competitive bodybuilders use
cardio up to twice a day for 30 days to just chisel off that
last remaining layer of fat that's cover up the abdominal region.
Tip - Cardio can be done twice a day for a full body shock! Just
keep in mind this method is a short term tool and not a routine
you would use for any length of time.
Step 3:
Nutrition: 90% of your efforts will be based upon your diet. In
order to show off the abs, you must get rid of the layer of fat
that is covering them up. It is that simple. Many people will
train their abs and do all kinds of cardio and they still forget
that nutrition plays such a massive roll in getting rid of belly
fat. You must know how many calories a day you need to eat and
what to eat in order to get your nutrition on track and working
for you. Going to the gym more often, doing more cardio and more
hanging crunches will do you no good if you fail 90% of the test.
Tip - Use nutritional fundamentals to turn your body into a fat
burning furnace.
Wait just a second...
Before you rush off to check your nutrition, cardio and
training, take this next concept into consideration.
Loose Skin: Skin is very elastic and over time (age) or with a
large amount of weight reduction it may not just spring back
like it did. In this case, surgery may be the only option once
you have reached a very low level of overall body fat.
-Many women may experience this because of pregnancy. -Many men
and women may experience this because of a large amount of
weight reduction.
For example, if a man was under 10% body fat and had loose skin,
this is a prime example where skin may need to be taken away
because of other circumstances. While this is pretty rare it
does happen and if the skin cannot bounce back, there's little
options a person has except to have it removed. What this means
If you have a low enough (12-15% or less body fat for a woman in
this example) and you still have a lot of loose skin from
slimming down or pregnancy, you may want to explore the option
of having that excess skin removed.
With that said...
The secret to ripped abs is nothing more then 3-steps in this
order of importance:
-Nutrition -Cardio -Training
You see, all of the programs you'll find will adhere to these 3
concepts. Once you have the abs, you need to show them. In order
to show them, you will need to get rid of the layer of fat that
is covering them up. It's easy to lose the belly fat when you
know how.