Asanas To Help You Out From Your Backache
Yoga is very important in our daily life and it can create
positive impact on your health. By doing some asanas would be
very good for your back. As the lifestyle and the way of working
has changed which causes many of these ailments. The food habits
with high on fat, cholesterol and other unwanted things just add
up to your ailments.
Yoga done helps in relaxing your body and creates harmony in
your body. The process of yoga is the idea about well-being in
this fast and overly paced life. It gives a therapeutic feeling
once you are through with it. It makes you aware about your body
and needs of stretching and stress free makes it very important
for everyone to give it a try at least once.
Some common poses which can be tried by you to break-free from
the backache. The very common and very easy asana is the Shav
asana (also known as the Corpse position) this helps in relaxing
your body by lying flat on your back and relieving you from all
the stress and tension. You can also do the Spinal Twist which
would help in easing your tension in the upper back and
shoulders, the cat stretch or cobra which increases flexibility
of your spine.
Some of the other poses are the Camel pose, Cow pose, Locust
pose, Lotus pose, Forward Bend, Palm Tree pose and Fish pose all
these poses helps in relieving the back pain you keep
complaining about. Some other poses which would help you are the
Headstand, inverted poses, aswini mudra, plough these all the
different poses which can be done if causes of backache is by
displaced organs, weak muscles, from menstruation and other
problems. Other asanas are tadasana samastithi, tadasana urdhva
hastasana, tadasana urdhva baddha hastasna.