How To Have A Perfect Workout Every Time

Has there ever been a time during your workout where everything seemed to just "click" and all your lifts were great? Where you just felt an extreme energy coursing through your body as you go from one lift to the next, with a feeling of power, clarity, and intensity? Are these workouts few and far between for you? They don't have to be! You can have an awesome workout every single time you wrap your hands around a weight. It all depends on your mindset. Before you achieve anything you really want, you first have to think about what it is you're trying to get. Architects do not start building houses until they've thought of every last little detail. Then they just construct what they thought about. You have to approach your workouts the same way. By consciously thinking about what you're trying to get out of them. Because I'm sure your goal is not to just go in the gym and spend an hour lifting heavy metal bars... just to kill some time. It's the END result you're after. You shouldn't just walk into the gym without thinking of what you want to accomplish and just start throwing weights around. It took me years to figure that out and it was years that had nothing to show for it. So, before even stepping into the gym, know what you're after. If not, you're spinning your wheels. It's funny how many times I've heard the following in the gym while training people: "I want to shed some fat but I hate doing cardio". "I want to add some size or strength to my frame, but I don't have time to eat very much during the day". "I want to increase my strength but I get so bored with weight training". Look, I can tell you that you'll never achieve your goals if you haven't taken the time to think about how you're going to achieve them. It starts with thinking about what you want to achieve. And then following through on the plan to get those things. Wouldn't you feel more pumped knowing that the stuff you're doing is going to lead you to where you want to be? That's exactly how you can have awesome workouts every single time you step into the comes from realizing that you're well on your way to getting what you want. So the next time you step into the gym, approach it with an attitude that says "There's no possible way I can fail." I promise you, if you do this every time, not only will you have great workouts, you'll also guarantee yourself more muscle and strength gains... or any other goal you want!