How exercise can help High Cholesterol levels?
Cholesterol is synthesized in our body and if left untreated it
could lead to various cardiovascular diseases. High cholesterol
levels in the blood could affect the heart, kidneys, brain and
other parts of the body. It is very necessary to do workouts for
at least 30 minutes a day. Exercises like swimming, jogging,
bicycling etc could help increase in the good cholesterol levels
and improve the blood flow throughout the body. Losing flab is
very necessary for a person with high cholesterol levels. Being
obese increases the bad cholesterol levels in the blood. At
least 4 days of exercise is necessary to maintain a good
cholesterol level.
Exercises like Tai Chi and Yoga have proved to be beneficial in
promoting good cholesterol in the body. Deep breathing and
stretching exercises helps the blood flow to all parts of the
body. Meditation helps in preventing hardening of the arteries.
If proper food and exercise is maintained then the cholesterol
levels could come down drastically.