How To Make Sure You Will Give Up On Your Weight Loss Resolution
In 4 Weeks
Every year millions of us make a New Year's resolution to lose
weight. Every year millions of us give up before the end of
January. Let's take a look at some of the things we do to set
ourselves up for failure year after year.
Super Restrictive Diets
We all like instant gratification. We want to loose 30 pounds in
3 days. That's what drives us to super restrictive diets that
promise immediate fast results. We go on the soup diet, the rice
diet or the egg diet. We are bound to give up - who can eat that
stuff for 30 days straight?
The Juice Diet
With this particular diet, you don't have anything other than
water and this disgustingly sweet juice for 48 hours. Sure
you'll lose a few pounds of water when you first try it, but
it's obviously not a long-term diet plan.
Diet Pills
Diet Pills are supposed to work by suppressing your appetite and
boosting your metabolism by using caffeine and similar
stimulants. They don't work well long term for two reasons. You
don't feel very well if you're jacked up on caffeine that much.
I tend to get grumpy, impatient and jittery. Secondly, their
effects tend to wear off over time. Your body just gets used to
all the extra stimulants and you loose the intended benefits and
are simply stuck with a caffeine addition.
Low Carb Diet
Any diet that cuts out most of a major food group will be hard
to stick with. Low carb diets were all the craze a few years
ago, but are slowly starting to fade out. The reason is simple.
In the long run, we don't want to give up bread, pasta and rice.
You already know that these quick fix diets don't work. You've
probably made the New Year's resolution to lose weight a few
times and given up sooner or later. Make this year different.
How? By using a more common sense approach to dieting. Eat
healthy, make small changes to consume fewer calories and get
more active. Slow and steady changes in what you eat and what
you do will get you there. You will still be sticking to your
resolution in February, March, and all the way into December.