Why Not Try Bikram Yoga?
There are many types of yoga, but Bikram yoga tends to stand out
from the rest. Even though the practice is largely the same,
you'll immediately notice the difference in the environment --
the room in which Bikram yoga is performed is heated between 90
and 100 degrees Fahrenheit!
Bikram yoga follows a consistent program, employing 26 various
poses, each of which you practice twice during a session.
The poses flow as follows. You'll start with Standing Postures,
then progress to Backbends. Then you'll practice Forward Bends
and Twists. You will do the poses using the Kapalabhati Breath
or the Breath Of Fire techniques, which are advanced techniques
known for their energizing and cleansing qualities.
It's Getting Hot in Here
The purpose of the heat in Bikram yoga is to help you ease in to
a deeper, safer pose. The heat helps your body's flexibility,
making it easier to achieve better postures and making your
overall practice more effective. Some of the poses you'll do in
Bikram yoga are quite challenging, and the heat will help you
enter them more comfortably, and ideally get more out of them.
Also, with the increased temperature, your body will sweat more
readily, releasing more toxins from your pores. The heat also
lowers your risk for injuries.
When you practice Bikram yoga, you aren't simply stretching the
muscles in your body. You're also working and massaging the
internal organs, which helps to strengthen and lubricate the
body's glands and improve the nervous system. With Bikram yoga,
you'll work and strengthen your muscles, joints and ligaments.
All this work -- especially with the help of Bikram's
specialized environment -- helps to flush toxins out of your
body and provides the kind of exercise your muscles crave.
Can You Stand the Heat? Get Into the Kitchen!
Aptly named, this yoga practice was developed by Yogi Bikram
Choudhury, who first began his yoga practice at the age of
three, then studied yoga for a long while with the renowned
physical culturalist, Bishnu Ghosh. Together they developed this
form as one of the ultimate ways to help the body through series
of especially challenging stretches and poses. It goes without
saying that the Bikram beginner requires a skilled instructor to
get started, as these poses are more challenging than some. The
high temperature is also key to the process. As a result, more
than other forms, you'll need to take instruction at a yoga
school or some of the higher end fitness clubs.
You can easily learn more about Bikram yoga to any of the
on-topic books available on the Web. You'll find that Bikram
yoga offers a wide range of challenging poses, and many people
find it a wonderful way of widening their yoga experience. If
you're ready to branch out and try something new, be sure to try
Bikram yoga.