Treadmill choosing tips
What treadmill model should I choose? - this is the questions
more and more people who want to exercise at home are asking
themselves. Well it really depends on how much you will use it,
where you will use it and how much money you have. When choosing
a treadmill model you should first look for two things:
manufacturer and warranty. If the manufacturer is an established
treadmill sports distributor, then you can be half-sure of its
quality. If the warranty is also high, you can be fully certain
of the treadmill's quality. If the warranty of the treadmill is
high, it's like a confidence vote given to the machine by its
manufacturer. Think about it, long warranty means a low
breakdown rate.
According to your personal needs, you should get information on
various models and cut them from the list as you find less
compatibility with your goals (find out more at Your final choice should be an exercise
treadmill that is the closest to your expectations and that
allows you to accomplish at least 90% of your initial set goals.
Of course, the price of the treadmill might also come into play
as a decisive argument. Always make sure to select a treadmill
based on hard facts and relevant information, not on an
emotional response.
Even if you select the best treadmill for your needs, you still
need to take other things into consideration: where are you
going to use it? Home fitness equipment takes space and you may
need to move things around the house to make this possible. Make
sure that you are not going to exercise in a crammed spot, as
your performance and efficiency will be drastically reduced. Try
to find a good spot for all your fitness equipment - basements
are usually the number one choice with homeowners. A few
dumbbells and an abs machine will not take a lot of room and
still provide you with a good workout. A large treadmill,
however, might give you some problems, so make sure to prepare a
suitable location for it.
Another important fact that needs to be taken into consideration
when choosing a treadmill is that it maintains healthy
exercising conditions. One of the most important factors is the
thickness and mobility of the walking deck, which needs to be of
at least 3 or 4 inches thick in order to avoid causing you any
pains or health problems. The walking track is also extremely
important as it will have to withstand a lot of direct pressure
from the person who exercises, so it needs to perform at top
speed while maintaining comfort levels high. The walking track
should be approximately 17 inches wide in order to provide the
necessary leg room for you to exercise correctly and it should
also have a length of somewhere around 50 inches to provide your
body with a comfortable position.
For more information on treadmills and exercise machines, please
visit our site at Exerciseheaven
Or get some interesting comparisons at:
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