Pacemaster Treadmills Reviewed
Pacemaster treadmills have been in the business for 35 years and
in that time they have established themselves as a producer of
high quality treadmills as recommended by a number of fitness
industry experts and authorities.
Priced between $1,500 and $2,300 they are not the cheapest
treadmills around but I still believe that they are great value
for money. As I have said many times before, you generally get
what you pay for when it comes to treadmills so if you think the
pacemaster treadmills are too expensive I would suggest you ask
yourself exactly what it is you are looking for in a treadmill
and make you own choice from there.
In my opinion if you can't or don't want to spend over $1,000 on
a decent treadmill then now is not the right time to buy.
Although a treadmill might be only $800 the backend costs like
repairs, maintenance and labor can make it a very expensive,
unreliable machine indeed.
But I digress...
Manufactured by Aerobics Inc, Pacemaster have some of the best
fitness equipment brains behind their products. Including the
legendary Bill Staub and Dr. Kenneth Cooper who's exercise
science principles help produce each and every treadmill. With
this brains trust used in the development of the Pacemaster
range you can expect a true high quality product!
The warranty of these treadmills are testament to the quality
with lifetime warranty on the frame, 5 years on parts, 1 year on
labor and a massive 12 years for the motor. This is a fantastic
warranty that is hard to find in even some of the commercial
treadmill brands.
Pacemaster treadmills have been developed by some of the best
minds in the fitness equipment industry and the quality of their
treadmills is testament to that. The extended warranty should
satisfy even the most demanding user and their competitive
prices make them a very good value for money buy.
I have looked hard for any weaknesses in this brand but can't
find any. The only thing that I should point out is that this
mid-price range that the pacemaster treadmills fall into
($1,500-$2,300) is very competitive with a number of other
brands producing exceptional quality machines as well.
It might pay to compare these treadmills with other similar
priced treadmills to find one that best suits your needs (check
out my own treadmill ratings).
I highly recommend Pacemaster treadmills for their high quality
and extended warranties. If the price is too high then there are
other comparable brands with slightly cheaper treadmills that
you should consider.