What You Should Know About Epic Treadmills
Epic is a well-known manufacturer of budget priced treadmills.
Epic treadmills are competitive in the lower priced treadmills
that can be purchased from various manufacturers. Epic provides
average quality treadmills in their price range, but Epic does
not compare with the higher priced treadmills as far as
durability and available features. There are several different
models that are produced by Epic and are typically sold at
discount retailers. For an infrequent user who requires only
minimal stability and number of features, Epic can be a good
value. If you are more serious about the training you do on your
treadmill, Epic will most likely not be of sufficient quality to
meet your needs.
The Epic t60 is one of the more popular models sold by this
manufacturer. The Epic t60 provides users with reasonable
quality in the $500 to $1,000 price range. There have been some
problems associated with the rollers and keypads, but for the
price the Epic t60 is a good buy. Epic treadmills generally
offer an outstanding 12-year warranty on the motor, but only 90
days on the rest. Epic does offer features such as the ability
to design a personal workout and may include a stereo, depending
on the model you choose. Epic treadmills are definitely
convenient and can be stored in a small space after use.
For the price, Epic treadmills are reasonably dependable and
will last for a fair period of time. Before purchasing an Epic
treadmill, investigate other brands and research the various
models that are available to you. You may be able to find a
superior treadmill for a similar price if you look for sales and
online specials. Epic is not a poor choice in treadmills for
many people, but if you are intent on a top quality, long
lasting product, you may want to look further.