What Is Herbal Medicine? Is It Safe?
Herbal medicine is the use of plant and herb extracts for their
therapeutic value. Most plants contain and produce chemical
substances that aid in healing and other physical treatments.
Herbal medicine is the oldest form of healthcare and constitutes
a key role in the development of modern medicine as we know it
today. Back when technology was still unheard of, primitive men
utilised the vast flora around them to the fullest extent,
observing both plant and animal life and their components,
eventually giving birth to herbal medicine. In a study by the
World Health Organization on herbal medicine use, about 80% of
the world's populace still rely on herbal medicine to cure
certain ailments and about 74% of the drugs we use today contain
at least one botanical element. For instance, Chinese Herbal
Medicine's use of ephedrine to cure respiratory conditions still
exists in the present time. Ephedrine remains an active
ingredient in most of the commercial drugs that are being
prescribed to relieve asthma symptoms.
Herbal medicine is defined by three schools of thought:
Ayurvedic Herbalism, Traditional Chinese Herbalism and Western
Herbal Medicine. While both Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal
medicine have moved on to advanced forms, western herbal
medicine remains a part of folk treatments. Herbal medicine is,
first and foremost, holistic. It aims to address not just a
particular symptom, but also to help the whole body rejuventate
strengthen itself. And while there is no scientific evidence
that all herbal medicines claiming to have healing powers are
actually effective, the number the herbal medicines that have
been placed under clinical testing have proved their worth. The
list of known kinds includes echinacea, which is used to temper
colds, St John's wort, used to treat mild depression (without
using Prozac), and hawthorne berries, which help in the recovery
process from mild heart failures.
Is herbal medicine a direct substitute to modern medication? It
depends. While herbal medicines are extracted naturally from
plants, not all are safe to use; particularly if they are taken
with other types of treatments that may not be complementary.
Also, herbal medicine is often used only for mild ailments. If
the symptoms are more serious, it is best to consult a trained
practitioner of herbal medicine who can tell you which ones are
appropriate and recommend dosage levels and frequency.
Presently, most of the recommended herbal medicines fall outside
of standard drug regulations, thus, not all of their claims to
fame are guaranteed and true. And even as common sense tells us
that herbal medicine has been around for thousand of years,
giving an impression that it is quite an authority, it is not
recommended to self-diagnose.
Always keep in mind that herbal medicines are still medicines
and, therefore, share the likelihood of having side effects as
regular commercial drugs. Some of us have this misconception
that because herbal medicines are natural, they are 100% safe.
This is not true all the time. The best defense against the
possible side effects herbal medicines might give is to educate
ourselves with the basics on the herbal medicine in question and
to use it with caution.