The Reebok Elliptical - A Brief Review
When considering the Reebok Elliptical for your workout, there
are a few things that you should be aware of.
The Reebok elliptical is a fairly large machine with mostly
independent parts. This can make it difficult for you to do the
maintenance and repairs on your own. Other than the fact that
the Reebok elliptical can become noisy after regular use, you
will have little trouble with this machine.
One of the things that many people tend to really enjoy about
the Reebok elliptical is that it has such a smooth ride. It also
includes upper body workout poles that move with the pedals to
give you an upper body workout if you desire.
If you don't want to use the upper body workout poles, you can
opt to leave them off when assembling the Reebok elliptical.
However, if you would like to leave them on the machine for
periodical use, there stationary bars provided so that you can
balance yourself when not using the upper body workout poles.
You should be careful when you are not using the upper body
workout poles because they will still move while you are
This style of machine has the fly wheel in the back like many of
the ellipticals you may find in fitness centers. This feature is
responsible for the smoother ride. It also has silent magnetic
resistance for smooth increasing and decreasing of intensity
levels. There is also impact absorption for less stress on your
The pedals are stationary to help keep your ride smooth. And
you'll find that the Reebok Elliptical is very stable even when
you're riding at high speeds - there's no wobbling like the
inferior machines.
If you're wondering if the stride is comfortable, it is quite
adequate for most - so you don't have to worry about awkward
movements. The Reebok elliptical provides an intense workout
with virtually no impact on your joints. Owners of the Reebok
elliptical highly recommend it and are, in general, happy with
their choice of this machine.