How To Gain An Avalanche Of Energy!
For many people out there trying to become more energised and
active they are terrified of committing to daily activity. It is
so engrained in their minds that they might over train that they
literally shy away from daily physical training and instead
follow the herd and train two or three times per week.
If you really want to create energy, enthusiasm, and positive
forward momentum in your life then start to move your body and
breathe deeply each day with focus each day and you will begin
to discover that which I am talking about.
All the system in your body use energy. Pretty much everyone
knows this and it often leads people to miss the boat entirely
when it comes to getting themselves motivated, fit, and full of
zest for life.
Of course the bodies systems use energy.
But guess what?
They CREATE IT as well!
People routinely forget this and it can lead to gross under
training or simply performing the incorrect routines for that
which they are after.
If you will allow me to get a little scientific for a moment
oxygen in the air has a very positive charge (imagine the
positive pole of a magnet). Your bodily tissues and water
therein act like the negative pole of a magnet.
Now, for those of you who are scientific you will know what this
Wherever you have a positive and negative pole there is the
potential for ENERGY to be created!
So if you wish to feel more energised through exercise go
against the grain a little and use your breath and body each day
to access this energy and buoyant life force within you.
Harness your breathing and body in ways that energise and that
you can do each day without having to take days off to recover.
Your physical activity should be uplifting and enhance you
physically AND mentally.
Consider this the next time you wonder why your training is not
providing you with the fulfilling and rejuvenating experience
you think it should be!