The Contact Dermatitis and Clothing Connection
Copyright 2005 Herbal Luxuries
Persons who suffer with dermatitis or sensitive skin have a
difficult time living day to day avoiding allergens and the
dreaded rash, itching and discomfort that comes with it. I have
sensitive skin and prone to develop contact dermatitis at any
time often reacting to something next to my skin that I have
used for long periods of time. I recently had to discard my
favorite pair of pants after months of developing a rash on my
stomach and side whenever I wore them. How could this be I said
to myself, of all the things in the world to have, why did I
inherit this strange skin?
While researching the matter I came across some interesting
information regarding contact dermatitis and clothing. It seems
there are quite a few people who develop contact dermatitis from
formaldehyde resins which are used for textile finishes.
Apparently it