How To Do Cat Litter Box Retraining
Cats stop using the cat litter box for a number of reasons. Once
you discover the reason why and correct it, you may need to
re-train your cat to use her box again. Despite what you think,
you can train a cat! For most cats, it's not hard. They
instinctively want to use a place with sand-like material to do
their business.
To re-train your cat back to her good litter box habits, confine
her to one room. It's hard to say exactly for how long, but most
cats are back in the habit within a week.
Pick a nice sunny room for kitty. Set up a clean cat litter box,
food, water, toys, and bedding for her to sleep on. Be sure to
put her food and water as far away from her litter box as
Keep kitty in this room while you're gone. Many cat owners
purchase kitty DVDs for their cat to watch all day long while
they're gone. These DVDs feature birds, squirrels, chipmunks,
and other critters that dart around. You can set up the DVD to
play in a continuous loop all day long. These videos are also
available in VHS tape format.
Let kitty out under your supervision. If she looks like she's
heading for her favorite corner to make an illegal dump, get her
back to her room immediately, and place her in the cat litter
box. If she uses it, praise her.
Generally, cats "get it" very quickly. For one thing, they get
lonely being in a room by themselves. For another, it's a cat's
natural inclination to use a litter box. As long as you've
corrected the source of her problem with the litter box, she'll
go back to using it.
If you can't let your cat out and supervise her, be sure to
visit kitty often. Sit in the room with her, and keep her
company. Watch the DVD with her!
Confinement is not cruel if it's done properly. If your cat
won't use the litter box during her confinement period, then the
cat urine odor damage is limited to one room. If after a few
days, your cat is still not using her cat litter box, please
consult with your vet. There may a deeper issue that you simply
can't tell from observation.