Dogs, Cats, And Horses... We Love Them All!
We have a long history with domesticated animals and even the
nay Sayers can't deny their roll in society past and present.
There is evidence that as long as 10,000 years ago the Native
Americans had domesticated dogs as depicted in early rock
paintings. Apparently, the dogs in the painting look remarkably
like the Carolina dogs of today.
It has been well documented that dogs and horses of past have
been bred to assist us in various ways whether it be pack dog,
work horse, hunter or herder. There is no doubt that they have
value and have contributed to society in many ways.
The cat however is a very interesting animal indeed. I have yet
to see a cat that can herd, or help with the hunt or carry
supplies on their backs for us. The cat is strictly a companion
to us, that is if they decide to allow you to be graced with
their presence. Most cats still have that strong hunting urge as
evidenced by your cats offering of that bird he just caught or
mouse he brings to you. Most cats get attached to an area that
they claim as their own. Some cats get very attached to the
people who love them but as a general rule I think the cat feels
he is the one who rules and he is allowing you to care for him.
Still, we love them.
Horses are a special breed and have a tremendous ability to
assist us in ways as only the horse can. Horses have been our
mode of transportation much longer than our current ways of
getting around. They are to me of such beauty, grace, and power
and I always think of them in that way much more than an animal
that works for us. They are spectacular.
Dogs however are by far the most domesticated of all animals.
They not only help us but they are so genuinely attached to
people and their antics are a constant source of pleasure to us.
Just look at children or elderly people in an old folks home. If
a child finds a stray dog they will surely beg you to allow them
to keep the dog. If you take a dog into an old folks home you
can see the dog respond happily around them and the smiles on
peoples faces are a joy to see.
I had a Springer Spaniel when I was younger and he was the
funniest, most easy- going dog around. He was unusual in that he
had a very special relationship with our guinea pig. We had the
best time watching these two at play. It was the same every day.
The guinea pig would wait at the hallway entrance and would stay
there until the dog noticed. Then the chase was on! The dog
would bark and chase him all the way down the hall. The guinea
pig at the last minute would veer to the left and run into the
bedroom and go under the bed. The dog was big and somewhat
clumsy and would never be able to slow down in time and he'd
crash into the wall, get up and then go put his nose under the
bed and bark. They would do this four or five times in a row and
then curl up together and sleep. Those two made us laugh. It was
As animal lovers, we also can adorn our walls with prints and
motivational posters of them. They also make great gifts.
We love our animals, as it should be. Be kind and take well care
of them.