Herbs for Your Dog
Herbology, basically, is the use of herbs in the treatment of
many types of illness. Herein the emphasis of treatment is based
strongly on the specific use of herbal roots, flowers and leaves
to stimulate the healing process. Keep in mind that these herbs
are not a form of drug(as in man-made forms, such as aspirin)
but are strictly natural in content. Practiced for centuries,
herbology is probably one of the most primitive and fundamental
uses of specific remedies to treat various illnesses, known
How, though, does the knowledge of herbal alternatives tie in
with owning an animal? Think about it for a moment. What do wild
animals, or even your pets, typically do when they are not
feeling up to par? Most instinctively seek out appropriate herbs
when they are sick. How many times have you witnessed your dog
eating grasses?
Many man-made drugs are simply compounds based upon active
principles found in many herbs. One simple example could be
caffeine found in coffee. Herbalists differ from most
traditional medicinal methods at this point however. Herbalists
believe in the use of the entire substance- not in simply the
use of one part. They believe the whole is much greater than the
sum of one or more parts.
Basically, herbs work much slower than traditional
medicines(t.m.'s) though they do many things t.m.'s don't- such
as detoxify the body, stimulate movement of the bowels or
urination, and add vitamins and minerals to the patients system
which are already greatly needed.
Herbal remedies have also been used to treat animals over the
centuries for such illnesses as arthritis, worms,
diarrhea/constipation, diabetes, epilepsy, mange and cataracts,
among others. Juliette de Bairacli-Levy is an author who
emphasizes the use of herbs in the treatment of many ailments in
connection with pets. She also emphasizes the importance of
freshly gathered herbs, natural diet and fasting.
Probably the biggest drawback to herbal therapy would be the
amount which must be administered, the very frequent intervals
of administration and the extended periods of time over which
administration must occur. Additionally, many herbs do not taste
good in their natural state and must be disguised in food.
Still, if you are willing to carry out a complete program,
administering "medications" at their proper intervals, herbal
alternatives are very effective in treating and curing many
types of ailments. For more information concerning herbs and
their uses, contact your nearest herbalist or herbal store.
Article written and reprinted with permission of:
http://www.pedigreedpups.com/ Purebred Dogs, Puppies and Dog
Breeders - "Your New Best Friend" Copyright 2005. All rights