How to Maintain Your Love Affair ... With Your Dog Part Two -
Assemble a Great Team
In part one we talked about forming good behavior traits early.
Part two focuses on the types of people you want on your dog's
Create a Good Team of Advisors
□ Find A Great Vet. One of the best ways to find a great
vet is to ask for referrals from friends and neighbors. It is
best to ask people whose relationship with their dog is similar
to yours. The Humane Society of the US notes some other things
to keep in mind would be the convenience: are their hours
amenable to your schedule? Is it easy to get an appointment? Do
they have an effective emergency system in case your dog slits
her foot on a holiday? How many vets are in the practice? How
about parking and space to load and unload your dog? If you have
an unusual breed of dog, or one that is generally accepted as a