Becoming the Alpha Male: Gaining Followers

In order to become the alpha male - the type of guy that every woman desperately wants to be with - you need to be the leader of the group. You need to be the guy who has people who follow and support him, as the size and significance of your following is directly related to how attractive you are as an alpha male. Don't think you can do it? Do you think you have to have special talents or a gift as an expert conversationalist? Well, to be honest those things do help, but no, you don't have to. I'll show you an extremely easy way to get a lot of loyal friends who will make up your group or following. Ok. The easiest way to attract people to you is to recognize what their main need is, and fill it. I know that sounds a little vague, so here are is a little blueprint to follow: 1) Spot Outcasts. People who don't fit into a group (for whatever reason), or people who are new to a group are very easy to recognize and approach, as they desperately want to be included. They are on the outside looking in and are dying for someone to talk to them. 2) Find out What Their Needs Are. Following along the lines of the outcast example, an outcast's needs are obvious - they want to meet new people and fit into a group. They are probably starved for attention. You must become the person they meet - the person who fills that need for them. 3) Fill Their Need. Give the outcast enough attention to keep them wanting to hang around you, but not too much to over stimulate them. Quite often, with outcasts, their need is attention - probably because they haven't got enough, or aren't getting enough at the moment. They can be a little attention starved. So, be careful not to give them too much attention right off the bat, or they will become over stimulated and become suspicious of your motives, wondering why you are all of a sudden lavishing all of this attention on them. Take it slow. Say "Hi", as you pass them by the first time, and build it slowly from there. If you add outcasts to your group by giving them some attention and including them, they will love you for life, because you have effectively saved them from being lonely - and they think you did it just out of the goodness of your heart. If you're not sure how to start, or what to say, check out http://www.conversation, and